Sunday, March 8, 2020

Free Essays on Education

education Both entertainment and education have been integrals parts of the human experience since the beginnings of time. Many scholars insist that the two institutions often serve jointly, with entertainers and entertainment serving as a main source of education. There is little argument, then, that in addition to generally appealing to the masses, entertainers have regularly fulfilled the role of a teacher to typically unsuspecting audiences. Entertainers have served as educators throughout history, from the origins of oral narratives through the Middle Ages. The earliest forms of unwritten communication were essentially used to spread knowledge from one source to another. Religious disciplines were the first information passed from person to person through entertainment. In the third century B.C., Buddhist monks tried to win converts outside India through the use of theater and song (Bur*censored* 97). They taught the precepts of Siddhartha and Buddha in such theatrical epics as Ramayana a nd Mahabharata, setting exacting rules for theater performance in the process (Bur*censored* 99). Similarly, Irish monks established singing schools, which taught uniform use of music throughout the church (Young 31). Through chants which were all the same, they spread identical teachings. Christian psalms and hymns in Apostolic times were sung to spread the knowledge and faith of Christianity. In fact, Christianity was promoted from the start by music. Churches were for long the only centers of learning, with monks teaching all lessons through music (Young 39). Through the use of sacred music, monks and clergy successfully spread the teachings of their religions in a practical manner. Entertainers used the theater as a place to tell the stories of the day, both fictional and topical. The African oral tradition was rich in folk tales, myths, riddles, and proverbs, serving a religious, social, and economic function (Lindfors 1). Likewise, Asia... Free Essays on Education Free Essays on Education education Both entertainment and education have been integrals parts of the human experience since the beginnings of time. Many scholars insist that the two institutions often serve jointly, with entertainers and entertainment serving as a main source of education. There is little argument, then, that in addition to generally appealing to the masses, entertainers have regularly fulfilled the role of a teacher to typically unsuspecting audiences. Entertainers have served as educators throughout history, from the origins of oral narratives through the Middle Ages. The earliest forms of unwritten communication were essentially used to spread knowledge from one source to another. Religious disciplines were the first information passed from person to person through entertainment. In the third century B.C., Buddhist monks tried to win converts outside India through the use of theater and song (Bur*censored* 97). They taught the precepts of Siddhartha and Buddha in such theatrical epics as Ramayana a nd Mahabharata, setting exacting rules for theater performance in the process (Bur*censored* 99). Similarly, Irish monks established singing schools, which taught uniform use of music throughout the church (Young 31). Through chants which were all the same, they spread identical teachings. Christian psalms and hymns in Apostolic times were sung to spread the knowledge and faith of Christianity. In fact, Christianity was promoted from the start by music. Churches were for long the only centers of learning, with monks teaching all lessons through music (Young 39). Through the use of sacred music, monks and clergy successfully spread the teachings of their religions in a practical manner. Entertainers used the theater as a place to tell the stories of the day, both fictional and topical. The African oral tradition was rich in folk tales, myths, riddles, and proverbs, serving a religious, social, and economic function (Lindfors 1). Likewise, Asia... Free Essays on Education So should cultural awareness be taught in schools? In my opinion it should as long as it is done in the right way. What I mean by that is, a multicultural education can be nothing but beneficial to a students understanding of the world around them. Unless it is taught though means that wont either have a lasting impact with the child, or its done by a teacher teaching with their own cultural bias in their class rooms. These are both worries that can be taken care of with proper training of our educators. Training is important because its rare any two-classroom teachers will have the same definition for multicultural education. Now for this paper I am going to assume that proper training will be taking place and show why teaching cultural awareness should be taught in school. â€Å"The basic goal of multicultural education is to help all children understand and appreciate events and people from various points of view† (Welton, 113). It shows them to see outside the confines of what’s familiar to them and teaches them to appreciate as well as understand other cultures, as well as their own at the same time. What an educator should try to do is show a student the uniqueness of their own cultural background as a positive thing and how the differences of other cultures can be positive as well. Children’s attitudes toward their race and ethnic group as well as other cultural groups begin to form early in the preschool years. Children are easily influenced by the culture, opinions, and attitudes of their parents. A parents perceptions of ethnic and racial groups are the strongest teachings that any kid will get and ultimately can influence a child’s attitudes toward minority groups. Its not easy for a teacher to counter the influence that a child gets from their parents, but teachers should always believe they can help, because any progress made with a student is going to help them in the future. Next to parents (primary care... Free Essays on Education The role of education is to educate individuals within society and to prepare and qualify them for work in the economy as well as helping to integrate individuals into society and teach them the norms, values and morals of society. Yet there are three sociological theories that differ greatly between them on the role of education. These are Functionalism, Marxism and Liberalism. Functionalists view the role of education as a means of socialising individuals and to integrate society, to keep society running smoothly and remain stable. Emile Durkheim, creator of the Organic Analogy, was a functionalist during the 1870’s. Durkheim believes that society can only survive if its members are committed to common social values and that education provides these to children and young people as well as raising awareness of their commitment to society. Durkheim also believed that schools teach young people that they must co-operate with their peers and be prepare to listen to and learn from their teachers. Individual pupils eventually learn to suspend their own self interests for those of society as a whole, work together and that success in education, just like in society, involves commitment to a value consensus. Similarly, Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore, functionalists during the 1970’s, believed that education is strongly linked to social stratificat ion by members of society and that education ‘sifts, sorts and allocates’ people to their correct place in the economy and society. By rewarding the most talented and most dedicated by allowing them into the highest paid and highest status jobs, education performs the function which is always necessary to Functionalists – differentiating all members of society so that the system runs smoothly. Like the functionalists, Marxists agree that education is functional in that it maintains the dominance of certain powerful groups in society. Unlike the functionalists, however, Marxists do... Free Essays on Education Education is the most important part of our lives. Like Belizaire’s mother said, education is the most important thing in life. In my life, like Belizaire’s mother, I had my father and my mother tell me, that education is the most important. They were telling me that education is something that I am going to keep for the rest of my life whatever happens. Whatever, I am going to do in my life education is the step, which I am going to use. Nowadays, education is like the identity for the people. Education is the thing that separates person between people. I come from Greece, and the educational system there is very difficult compared to other countries. I started school with very good teachers, and that helped me a lot, at the beginning. I had a good base, and I was a pretty good student. The truth is that I didn’t like to read too much. I could understand everything very easy bad I was lazy. Once again, my parents helped me at that part of my life, and put me at the correct path. When I was in junior high school besides my school as a student, I wanted to be a water polo athlete also. At the beginning it was easy to combine these two, but after while, as I was growing things started getting tough. My ambitions were more; I wanted to be a good athlete and a good student. That meant that I had more hours of practice and less hours to study. It wasn’t something easy; I had to wake up five in the morning to go for practice and after that eight o’clock I had to be at school. When school was over, I had to go at my house to eat and study, because six o’clock till eight in the evening I had to go for practice again. At the and of the day I was exhausted, till the next day in which I had to follow the same program. It was a very difficult program to follow. Nevertheless, I had the support of my parents that helped me. When I graduate from high school I had to make a very difficult decision. I had to decide to be a water polo pl ayer ... Free Essays on Education People always complain about how the schools in this country suck. They think that it’s a problem that schools aren’t actually educating their kids in any way. There have been countless newspaper articles published about how each graduating class has progressively worse skills in even simple things such as math and reading, and people, upon reading these facts, produce the response that they have programed into themselves for hearing such facts. I don’t think most of them care as much as they’d like to believe they do, but it’s understood that these statistics and what-not are something we should be saddened by, so they make sure they’re sad when they hear them. They have lots of different ideas about what specifically is wrong with the educational system, and they even have ideas about how to reform it. However, the root of their complaints lies in the fact that the schools aren’t teaching the students. The reason for this is that the schools aren’t really meant to teach children. They’re meant to keep unemployment rates down. In my opinion (and the opinion of many credible psychologists), people are ready to be adults a lot sooner than society lets us be. This is the cause of much teenage rebellion and like things. People say that schools need more funding. I even heard this about St. Charles High School when I went there. St. Charles is relatively wealthy town. Maybe more of our taxes are supposed to go to schools rather than special interests. That makes sense. However, if schools had more money, what would they do? They would buy better teaching equipment, like textbooks. They would hire better teachers, who would teach better for higher salaries. I don’t think any of this would work. If the schools got more funding and whatever else they’re supposed to need to teach better, the students still would not be inspired to learn. Every five-year old anxiously awaits beginning their years of schooling. Aft... Free Essays on Education Throughout high school and during my undergraduate studies, education was never a top priority for me. Only during the past two years, in the â€Å"real world†, have I realized the importance of education. I look back at those years and wish I had done more and realized all the potential I had in my hands and not wasted so much time. During my undergraduate career my social activities consumed my life. My friends were not motivated to do well in school so I followed their lead. My grades were low, and I did not even care. After I graduated in 1997 with a Psychology B.A. and lost touch with my old friends and old ways, I have realized that I should have spent more time doing some soul searching and thinking what it was that I wanted to do with my life. I liked Psychology but what I really wanted to do was work with children more closely. I had spent my junior and senior years involved in internships at Head Start and at a High School in a Program for teenaged mothers. I loved m y work there. At Head Start I was a Teacher Aid for the pre-school, teaching the children to read, numbers etc. And at the High School I counseled the teenaged mothers, took care of their kids while they went to school and after the school day I tutored them with their homework. After being out of school for a while, I started to miss that. The feeling that I was teaching something those kids, the feeling that I was making a difference. I was determined to find a job in education, with my background in Psychology, how hard could it be? I found work at a residential school for runaways and abused teenaged females. It was great! I was ready to go, I was going to change the world and change those girls lives. What I didn’t realize is that will alone does not make me a teacher and that I needed training, a lot of training. I made a lot of mistakes in that job. I got discouraged and decided to forget about working with children, forget teaching and do something else th... Free Essays on Education When I was attending grammar school about five years ago, I always thought how great it would be to choose from the diverse class opportunities that high school would provide me. I was tired of the repetitiveness that existed amongst the grammar school curricula. Once I reached high school I realized that school would be more interesting to me when I have a selection of classes to choose from. I thought high school was really diverse but when I got to college I actually found how diverse a person could be and how well-rounded a person he or she can develop into by college educational standards. An issue in today’s education is the lack of opportunity for students to engage in more diverse schooling rather that of schooling around one’s major. Most school tuitions force learning through books all day everyday, instead of learning the key aspects of life and developing into a well-rounded, diverse personality. Students don’t get the advantage to explore the d iversity of the college educational systems. They are forced to graduate in a four year period and excel in one major. The romantic notion of learning for the sake of increasing one's understanding is no longer practiced (Nguyen). Today’s college programs have lost all touch in making a person whole and complete. Being a well-rounded individual is an important aspect in today’s society. Our education symbolizes structured curricula and enforces work that is not necessary applicable to everyday common life. Institutions have changed their focus on a person who is only excelling at one thing rather than the most well-rounded individual. The art of exploring your education through various different classes has been mislaid. The creative and dynamic learning processes are slowed by many factors. One of them being, the increasing of college tuition. Raising tuition has had the adverse effect of forcing students to rush through their college years, without t... Free Essays on Education Education is very important for our lives. Without education people wouldn’t have their high-developed machine and would believe that the Earth is a planet around that all another planets are moving. Why people want to have their high education? As for me I have my reasons why I want to get high education. First reason I want to get high education is for career purpose. From the early age parents very often tell to their children that education is very important to find a good job. And this is true because if you want to be a doctor or a lower, or an engineer you must have an education. Among my friends in Russia when I was asking them why they wanted to get their high education very often they were telling me that it is necessary to get a good job and to make a good career. I agree with them because I think that it is easier to begin my career not from nothing, but with the experience and all education that I would gain in the University. Another reason why I want to get high education is because all members in my family have already received their high education. My father has finished the Institute of Technology, and my mother has finished Medical Institute. All my life I was listening from them that it is very important to get high education. When I was trying to pass my exams for the University in Russia my family was very nervous. It looked like that it wasn’t me who wanted to get to the university, but the whole family were trying with me to pass all exams. I think that family’s support in getting education is very important. At least it was so for me. Also I want to get my high education because I enjoy studying. All my life I thought that it is very important to be independent and I was trying to be independent since I was a child. I didn’t like to ask my parents to help me with my homework and I was sitting with my homework sometimes till late night but I did myself understand that all must be dependent from yo... Free Essays on Education Examine the role of processes in schools in producing different educational achievement among pupils from different social groups. Differential educational achievement is unquestionable affected by different social groups however this is not the only factor that affects the educational success of students. Members of working class place a lower value on education, they place less emphasis on formal education as a means to personal achievement, and they see less value in continuing school beyond the minimum leaving age. They place a lower value on achieving higher occupational status, when evaluating jobs they place emphasis on stability, security and immediate economic benefits and tend to reject the risks and investments involved in aiming for high status occupations. Job horizons tend therefore to be limited to a good trade. Manual and non-manual jobs account for differences in outlook and attitude, middle-class occupations provide an opportunity for continuous advancement in income and status but this is not the case for manual workers. They reach full earning capacity relatively quickly and are provided fewer opportunities for promotion. This would therefore affect the attitude of parents and this attitude and outlook on life would be passed on to the next generation. Pupils from w orking class origins would be socialized in certain situations, e.g. fatalism, immediate gratification, present time orientation and collectivism. Parental interests in their children education effects school achievement, middle class parents express interest in their children progress, they are more likely to want their children to do well and stay at school beyond the minimum leaving age level and so will encourage them to do so. Middle class children also tend to receive greater stimulus from their parents in the early years, which forms a basis for high achievement in the educational system. Different social groups have different life experie... Free Essays on Education What is education? To be specific, describes it as, â€Å"The act or process of educating or being educated.† I would say this definition is a pretty general one, but another one that the website provides is a little better, â€Å"The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process.† This is exactly what we see as an education today. Sure people can perceive what an education means in many different ways, but education always comes back to what we were taught and what we retained from that teaching. Education is something that everyone in life needs to obtain in order for one to keep a life, without an education one will go through life with no thought process or even a purpose. After all of the definitions and different ways of viewing an education I have to ask myself what the real purpose of having an education is. Before I explain my views I have a few quotes of different views on the purpose of education. â€Å"Education: being able to differentiate what you do know and what you don’t. It’s knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it’s knowing how to use the information once you’ve got it.† - William Feather This quote is one that I feel has very great meaning. To me it tells us that an education is more like a journey through life, that we need to find an education to be able to deal with everything that is around us. â€Å"Being able to differentiate what you do know and what you don’t..† Certain situations are always arising in life that we don’t really know what to do with, these situations are ones that we have not been educated on and we need to put what we already do know into context to be able to deal with them. That line from the quote is the one that I feel is the real key to Feather’s thinking. Continuing on to my own experiences with education, I feel that I have been taught very well over my school years. My first memory of school was from... Free Essays on Education A country's educational system is typically influenced by a variety of factors. Racial and ethnic attitudes, for example, can play an important role in policy formation and school administration. Language is a significant factor as well. Political and religious ideologies also are potent influences on the educational system. An average student’s registration into the educational system may be affected by such factors. What is the definition of an average student? What constitutes such a student to receive an â€Å"average† education? Mike Rose’s article â€Å"Tracking†, focused on the educational system and its effects on both normal and abnormal students. One student affected by this system was Ken Harvey. He was placed in the vocational track due to the labeling of the educational system. Ken Harvey’s statement, â€Å"I just wanna be average†, was a desperate call for help. No doubt, his placement in the educational system had a negative ef fect on his life. â€Å"Ken Harvey was gasping for air†. As brought out in the article, â€Å"school can be a tremendously disorienting place.† Certain beliefs and assumptions one grew up with may be challenged by the educational system. The author summarized Harvey’s situation. He was first thrown in with all kinds of kids from all kinds of backgrounds, which was upsetting. He saw students excel in courses that only average students have access to. These include French, physics, and trigonometry. Being a working-class kid in the vocational track, Harvey’s options in dealing with the situation were constrained in certain ways. He was defined by his school as â€Å"slow†. He was placed in a curriculum that was not designed to liberate but occupy him. Other kids became familiar with Harvey’s placement and began to interact with him in certain ways. These may have had a negative impact on the development of Harvey. His mental abilities to perfo rm may have been affected. This impact may have been ... Free Essays on Education Life’s Little Reflections on Education Marcus Fabius Quintilianus or Quintilian discussed how during the second stage of education, the student would trace ivory letters, specially carved, as an aid to learning the alphabet. (Pg. 76). I can remember during my kindergarten year, the teacher giving all the students worksheets containing the letters of the alphabet. This sheet also contained instructions on how to trace or copy each letter. Still today this procedure is used as an effective learning method. Although, today’s educators split up the alphabet in small workable groups, so the letters can be mastered at a quicker pace. For each stage of education, the teachers taught me new and improved skills for memorization. For example, elementary teachers taught me how to use sight recall and songs to enforce recovery skills. Junior high teachers taught me how to read, write, and recite all information to obtain knowledge through repetition. Instructional methods passed down from one generation to the next starting from the beginning relied heavily on memorizing. Clearly the emphasis on education for all cultures was for each civilization to establish a structure for the generation or political leader. Memorization, a practical and reliable skill, could keep ethnic and geographical groups uniquely divided through historical and religious teachings. Aristotle argued that a good community rested on its members and if education were neglected then the community would suffer. (Pg. 73). City expansions, improvements, growing communities, and additional students are just a few of the problems I had to deal with in the school system as a student. I was faced with the growing number of enrollments in my school district. I attended a large school where time was very limited and the quality of education seemed to be poor. The classrooms held up to 40 students and one on one with the teacher was virtually impossible. Stayin...

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